We believe the HOLY SCRIPTURES, the 66 canonical books of the Old and New Testaments, are given by inspiration of God.

How to Write a Nursing Research Paper: Valuable Tips

A nursing research paper is among the most testing assignments nursing students have to endure. These papers require proper content mastery and extensive research skills to ensure a quality analysis of a subject.

Here we have covered some skills and tips to help you prepare a quality nursing research paper. The article will highlight the nursing research paper format and relevant tips to ease your writing process.

Nursing Research Paper Outline

Like most academic tasks, a nursing research paper is divided into the introduction, the body, and the conclusion sections. However, you may cover subsections, including the methods, abstract, discussion, works cited, and a results section.

As such, the nursing research paper format may include:

  1. Introduction

This section introduces your main idea and covers your paper's focal argument. The introduction should be captivating and clearly express your thesis statement.

  1. Abstract

This section should offer background information on your topic and why your research is essential for the field. Also, the abstract should cover your main claim and highlight the key finding of your results. It would be best to enlist the major keywords of your work in the abstract.

  1. Methods

Your instructor may require you to walk your reader over your research process to justify why you preferred various research criteria. For this, jot your ideas in point form while analyzing the applied adjustments to test each parameter.

  1. Results

When presenting your results, start with a summary of your findings and express your results in a table/chart. Each chart should be properly tagged with a title explaining the expressed elements and their key.

  1. Discussion

This section is the major part of your paper. Here you should use supporting materials to show how your hypothesis is true in light of the research. It would help if you were keen to ensure the credibility of your sources as a nursing research paper requires attention to detail when making various claims.

  1. Conclusion

Here, summarize your arguments and reiterate your thesis. You may also cover the implications of your paper and suggest the applications of your findings to the field under study.

  1. Works cited

Finally, enlist all the references to the work you have used to structure your paper. Be keen to ensure the proper referencing style as recommended by your tutor.

How to Write a Nursing Research Paper

Some of the tips to consider when writing your nursing paper include:

Nursing Research Paper Topics

If you are looking to prepare your paper, these nursing topics for your research paper should guide your topic selection. Engage our experts for a custom nursing research paper example for further assistance.